See All Akwa Ibom State Culture, Taboos, Language and Meanings

The cultural identity of a specific group reflects their heritage and who they are as a community. It holds great significance to individuals, whether they belong to a small group or an entire country.

The people of Akwa Ibom state are an extraordinary community within Nigeria. If you are curious to learn about the Akwa Ibom people, this article provides essential information about their culture, taboos, language, and more.

History of Akwa Ibom State

Known for taking its name from the Qua Iboe River which bisects the state before flowing into the Bight of Bonny, Akwa Ibom is a state in the South-South geopolitical zone of Nigeria that was created out of Cross River State on September 23, 1987, by the then Military Administration ofΒ General Ibrahim Badamosi Babangida.

After about four decades of sustained agitation by the people that occupied the mainland part of the former Cross River State, through the Ibibio Union, the demand for the creation of the state came through when Babangida set up a political Bureau to define the future political direction of the country. Under this platform, the memorandum was again considered and later given an approving nod.

Though largely considered homogeneous, the people of Akwa Ibom did not succumb to any leadership of the central government even during colonial rule. Instead, the Annang, Eket, Efik, Ibibio, Oron, and Ibeno were all autonomous groups with the Efiks being the first to establish contact with the outside world, trading with the Europeans as early as the 17th century. Even the British did not firmly establish control in the area until 1904.

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Now recognized as the 21st state of the federation, Akwa Ibom State is bordered to the East by Rivers State, to the West by Cross River State, to the North by Abia State, and to the South by the Gulf of Guinea. During its creation, Uyo was chosen as the state capital to spread development to all regions of the state.

The state is the highest oil-producing state in Nigeria and its people are largely into economic activities like fishing (for riverine and coastal dwellers), farming (mostly for upland dwellers), trading, partisanship, and white-collar services.

Akwa Ibom Culture

Also reputed to be the first settlers in present-day South Eastern Nigeria, the people of Akwa Ibom State are culturally homogenous with a common identity. Culture is the manifestation of the combined thought process, ideas, customs, rituals, and social conduct of a particular community of people.

For the people of Akwa Ibom state, the cultural values set by their ancestors have continuously been passed down from one generation after another through oral traditions, art forms, and sacred institutions. The people largely believe in ancestral spirits, life after death, superhuman powers, divinities, and good moral values.

These values define their way of life and how large the community differentiates itself as unique from other communities. This cuts across aspects like marriage rites, burial rites, dance, and coming of age rites, among many others.

The Myth About the Origin of Akwa Ibom People

The Ibibio people who are one of the autonomous groups that make up the now known Akwa Ibom state are said to be the first settlers of South Eastern Nigeria, particularly in a town called Ibom in Arochukwu, the present-day Abia State. But before settling at Ibom village, the true Ibom lineage had their original home at Usakedet in Cameroon where the Ibibio language and some of their customs evolved.

At the Arochukwu village, the Ibibio settlers worshipped the God of the Sky called β€œAbasi Ibom enyon” and β€œIbritam” – the Aro long juju. However, following the Aro-Igbo-Ibibio war of 1550 AD, the Ibibios moved towards the south and found an empty land where they settled and it’s now their present place of the aborigine.

Marriage Rites in Akwa Ibom State Culture

Like in every other tribe in Nigeria, marriage plays a very important role in every society that makes up the present-day Akwa Ibom state. There are no generally-accepted traditional marriage rites for the Ibibio, Anang, and Oron people. However, the most dominant among the three is the Ibibio marriage rite.

Marriages in all Akwa Ibom state cultures are elaborate ceremonies and thus both families involved are engaged in the ceremony before, during, and after the formal handing over of a girl or woman to her suitor. The bride price practice of giving out a β€˜long and rich’ list, has been in existence for a very long time. The Annang and Ibibio ethnic groups are said to have the most expensive bride prices in Nigeria.

A typical bride price or marriage list for the people of the Ibibio cultural group comes in stages each of which must be duly provided before another. Items for each stage of the marriage ceremony include the following

STEP 1: Compound Cleaners (Nkpo Mkparawa)

  • 2 cartons of beer(Star and Gulder)
  • 2 crates of mineral
  • 1 packet of cigarettes (St Morris)
  • 1 packet of cigarettes (Benson)
  • 2 bottles of Schnapps
  • 1 bottle of illicit gin(kai-kai)
  • 1 head of tobacco
  • 1 leather ball
  • Cash of Two thousand five hundred naira (#2500.00) only

Stage 2:Β Ukong Udok (knocking on the door)

  • 6 cartons of Star beer
  • 6 crates of mineral
  • 2 crates of small stout
  • 2 crates of Maltina
  • 4 litres of illicit gin(kai-kai)
  • 2 heads of tobacco and limestone
  • 2 rubbers of palm wine (40 litres)
  • 2 bottles of ground snuff
  • 4 bunches of cola nut
  • 6 bottles of schnapps
  • 6 bottles of Eva wine
  • Physical cash of forty thousand naira (#40,000.00)

Stage 3: Items for the Bride’s family

  • 1 big native she-goat
  • 5 tubers of yam
  • 5 cartons of Star beer
  • I cartons of small stout
  • 1 carton of assorted gin
  • 3 crates of mineral
  • 2 Rubbers of palm wine (40 litres)
  • 2 bunches of cola nut
  • 2 heads of tobacco and limestone
  • 2 bottles of ground snuff
  • Physical cash of five thousand naira (#5,000.00) only.

stage 4 – for the father

  • 1 matchet with cover
  • 1 carton of whisky
  • 1 bottle of three in 1 whisky
  • 1 carton of schnapps
  • 10 cartons of beer, (small stout)
  • 10 crates of mineral
  • 10 bottles of English wine
  • 4 litres of hot drink (kai-kai)
  • 5 head of tobacco with limestone and snuff water
  • 5 rubbers of palm wine
  • 5 bud of kola-nut
  • 5 packet of St. Morris cigarette/Benson
  • 1 piece of president rapper (English made)
  • Complete suite with reading eyeglass
  • 1 fine chieftaincy dress
  • 1 black hat
  • 1 English long sleeve shirt
  • 1 wrist watch
  • 1 fine walking stick
  • 1 pair of shoes and sucks
  • 1 hot pant
  • 1 nice tie
  • 1 fine English portfolio
  • Envelope of #50,000.00

Stage 5 – for the Mother

  • Raleigh Bicycle
  • 10 cartons of beer
  • 10 crates of minerals
  • 5 bottles of whisky
  • 1 piece of English Damask
  • Blouses (lace) and head tie canopy (Damask)
  • A pair of women’s shoes and wrist watch (Gold)
  • 1 set of Earring (Gold), pant and bra (dozen)
  • 1 under skirt (dozen) and hand Bangles (Gold)
  • 1 Frying Garri pot
  • 1 Toronto Basin with cover
  • 1 Umbrella and Handbag
  • 1 set of eating plates with spoons (dozen)
  • 1 Palm Oil milling machine
  • 1 English house knife
  • 2 cooking pots big and small (English made)
  • 1 big rubber of kerosene
  • 2 bags of salt
  • 2 bags of pepper
  • 2 bags of crayfish
  • 2 rubbers of palm wine
  • 2 bags of rice
  • 1 bag of beans
  • 1 big cooking stand for palm oil
  • 1 big bathing towel, soap, pomade oil, washing hand towel and English
  • basin (big one)
  • 1 carton of key soap
  • 1 crate of mineral and #1,000.00 for cooker
  • 1 piece of English wax to cover the ground for the bride to match on
  • 1 three in one whisky to show the husband
  • #5,000.00 to open the whisky
  • Envelope of #40,000.00 only

stage 6 – Items for the bride’s Grandfather

  • 1 piece of English wax
  • 5 bottles of schnapps
  • 2 three in 1 whisky
  • 5 bottles of English wine
  • 5 big bottles of Gordon Dry gin
  • 4 liters of hot drink (kai-kai)
  • 5 cartons of beer
  • 5 crates of mineral
  • 1 carton of whisky
  • 5 head of tobacco with limestone with snuff water
  • 1 bottle of Ground snuff
  • 2 rubbers of palm wine
  • Envelope of #10,000.00 only

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STEP 7: Grandmother’s share (Mkpo Ekaete)

  • 1 piece of wax
  • 1 carton of beer
  • 1 crate of mineral
  • 1 bottle of illicit gin
  • 1 bottle of whisky

STEP 8: Cook’s Share (Mkpo Mbon Utem Udia)

  • 1 carton of beer
  • 1 crate of minerals
  • 1 bottle of schnapps
  • 1 bottle of illicit gin
  • 3 Key Bar soap
  • Cash of #1,500.00 (one thousand five hundred naira only)

For Grandfather

  • 1 piece of English wax
  • 5 bottles of schnapps
  • 2 three in 1 whisky
  • 5 bottles of English wine
  • 5 big bottles of Gordian Dry gin
  • 4 litres of hot drink (kai-kai)
  • 5 cartons of beer
  • 5 crates of mineral
  • 1 carton of whisky
  • 5 head of tobacco with limestone with snuff water
  • 1 bottle of Grandad snuff
  • 2 rubbers of palm wine
  • Envelope of #10,000.00 only

Marriage Stages/Processes in Akwa Ibom Culture

1. Ndidiong Ufok (know her house)

Known in most cultures inΒ  Nigeria as Introduction, this stage begins the marriage process as the groom pays a visit to his bride’s family with a bottle of wine which he would use to state intentions to marry her. If the bride’s family accepts his proposal, a second meeting will then be arranged.

2. Ukong Udok (knocking on the door)

Also called Β Awa Oduongo This is the second stage of the marriage rites in which the man shows his readiness to marry the bride-to-be. He visits the bride’s family with selected members of his own family. If these gifts are accepted by the lady’s family, proper preparations for the marriage proper are then made but not until a thorough investigation has been made into the groom-to-be’s family background.

The inquiry extends to finding out the health, social, religious, and medical status of the would-be husband as well as his source of income. During this visit, the groom’s family collects the marriage list and fixes the date of delivering the items.

3. Uno Mkpo (Presentation of gifts)

At this stage, the groom’s family presents gifts to the bride’s family. These gifts are ways of compensating the family of the lady by the family members of the groom’ for talking away a member of their family. The two families also deliberate on the items on the marriage list

4. Usoro Ndo

This is the traditional marriage proper. It is the most significant part of the marriage ceremony which is also not different from the Igbo traditional marriage.

Marriage Rituals for First Daughters

Marrying the first daughter of every Ibibio family comes with a higher price as the first daughter in this part of Akwa Ibom State culture, known as Adiaha, is often given a high value than the rest of the children in the family. Any suitor wishing to marry the Adiaha must then be willing to perform some specified rituals, including his family.

These special rites known as Awa Oduongo (Sacrifice and throw away) and Awa Adia, must be solemnly executed for the bride to be considered as having been properly married by the groom.

1. First rite: Awa Oduongo (Sacrifice and throw away)

The Awa Oduongo ritual occurs when the first daughter prepares for her traditional marriage ceremony. The lady’s family invites the potential husband to come and collect the list of items he is expected to produce for the first ritual, which is often conducted on a particular market day.

2. Second rite: Awa Adia Ceremony

This is the second stage of the marriage ceremony for the first daughter. The groom is expected to be at the bride’s family house exactly one week after the Awa Oduongo ceremony. Different dishes are then prepared and laid out for the groom and one or two of his family members. The groom accepts everything offered to him and he shows appreciation to his in-laws afterwards.

Though this second marriage rite is quite expensive, it is expected of the bride’s family to perform it. If not, if the lady gives birth and the mother visits, she would not eat any food her daughter gives her without paying a token amount of money that signifies that she is paying for her food. After these two stages have been done and the necessary items on the marriage list are provided, the marriage proper can take place.

Burial Rites in Akwa Ibom State Culture

Burial rites in all communities in Akwa Ibom state are quite similar. Most communities in Akwa Ibom believe in life after death, that is why they indulged in elaborate burial rites. These burial rites which have been passed down from generation to generation depending on the age, sex, and status of the deceased.

Once someone is declared dead in the Annang community, for instance,Β the corpse is expected to be buried within twenty-four hours as they do not believe in keeping the corpse dry or embalmed. The Ibibios practice this death rite mostly for a deceased who is a member of Ekong society.

Burying a corpse within the house or secretly in the bush is practiced in a way to avoid decapitation of the corpse. If the deceased is a titled person (like a chief or a member of Ekpe cult as it is with the Ibibio community), their death is not made public until days after he had been buried. This is to prevent evil people from knowing the burial site.

Usually, the relatives of the deceased make efforts to get him secretly buried within three days. This is a little different for an Ibibio title holder like the Ekpe member whose burial event is performed within seven days.

Facts About Coming of Age Rites Dance in Akwa Ibom State

Dance in Akwa Ibom state not only expresses the feelings and aspirations of the people but also showcases the cultural values that are entrenched in their culture. The Coming-of-age ceremony is one of the three must-do ceremonies that are performed before the bride and bridegroom eventually come to live together as a couple. The ceremony

The ceremony of β€œcoming-of-Age” prepares eligible spinsters or maidens who have reached marriageable ages to meet their husbands. It is a special ceremony organized for both sexes, usually in groups. Known as the β€˜Mbopo’ institution, in Akwa Ibom State culture, this is the initiation of young girls into womanhood. It is the period when a girl or maiden is confined, fattened and drilled on all aspects of home management in preparation for marriage.

After this period has been undergone, the maiden is paraded in special attires designed for the ceremony, called β€œObitun Dance Costume”, and is meant to dance the β€œAsian Ubo Ikpa” dance which means the proud and flamboyant maiden. This special dance performance is accompanied by various instruments such as xylophone, rattle, bell, gongs etc.

While the maiden is performing the dance rite, villagers and well-wishers (mostly elderly women and possible suitors) come forward to bestow gifts on her, usually in the form of money to meet her fattening room expenses.

The Asian Uboikpa has its unique exuberant appeal as it asserts youthfulness, beauty, and innocence. It also promotes the motto of the Akwa Ibom people on chastity and good moral behaviour.

Taboos in Akwa Ibom State Culture

Every community or tribe has its peculiar taboos. A taboo is a prohibited action, a sacred term for a set of cultural or religious prohibitions instituted by traditional religious
authorities as instruments of social control for protecting the sanctity of their shrines, worship of the gods, and the wellbeing of their communities.

Like in every other community across Nigeria, the people of Akwa Ibom state also have cultural taboos guiding every community. Though these taboos may differ from one community or tribe to another most are still in action while some have grown dormant over the years.

In the Ibibio tribe, for instance, using the left hand actively is a form of insult and is seen as a form of negativity.Β  Pregnant women were not also allowed to look a masquerade in the face else they would give birth to a child that will resemble Masquerade. While the first example is still adhered to in the present-day Ibibio culture, the second example seems to have gone extinct.

Some of the taboos still kept sacred in Akwa Ibom state culture include the following:

  • It is taboo for a woman in Annang to fetch water from the community stream on Ared market day (Usen Urua Ared).
  • A woman is prohibited from having sexual intercourse with another man other than her husband. Contravention of this act attracts the death of the husband, who is believed to be killed by the wife through the evil minstrels of eros called Ekpo Nka Agwo.
  • It is also taboo for any member of the Annang community to offend his grandchild or grandchildren (Ajejen or Nto Ajejen), his or her grandparents (Etebom and/or Ekam), or his inlaws (Ukod).

Food Taboos

Though a state is known for its varieties of delicacies, the people of Akwa Ibom state still adhere to some food taboos. The food taboo was particularly important to the Annang that it was used as a distinguishing characteristic to locate the origin of an individual and to separate one Iman from another. For Example:

  • It is a taboo for the Ika clan of Annang to eat sweet potatoes
  • It is taboo forAfaha people to eat squirrels (Nserise as they identify with the quickness and intelligence of the animal.
  • TheΒ UkanafunΒ people forbid its members from eating python (Asabo) while Utu forbids its people from eating Midim (birds).

Akwa Ibom Language and Meaning

There are three main ethnic groups in Akwa Ibom state –  the Ibibio, Annang and Oron. Of these three, the Ibibio remains the majority and has held sway in the state since its creation. There are also 20 languages spoken as first languages in the state with the major languages being Anaang, Ibibio, and Igbo.

The Ibibio language has some semblance with that of its brother Annang and it is closely related to the Efik language in Cross River State. Below is the list of villages in Akwa Ibom that speaks the three main languages


Places in Akwa Ibom State where the Ibibio language is well-spoken include Etinan, Ibiono Ibom, Ikono, Ikot Abasi, Itu, Mkpat Enin, Nsit Atai, Nsit-Ubium, Onna, Uruan, Uyo, Ini.


The following local governments in Akwa Ibom State speak Annang – Ikot Ekpene, Essien-Udim, Abak, Ukanafun, and Oruk-Anam LGA’s

Other languages and local governments where they are spoken are listed below:

  • Ebughu – Mbo and Oron LGA’s
  • Efai –  Mbo LGA
  • Ekit –  Uquo Ibeno and Eket
  • Enwang – Mbo LGA
  • EtebiΒ  – Uquo Ibeno LGA
  • Ibino –  Uquo-Ibeno
  • Ibuoro – Itu and Ikono LGAs
  • Idere – Itu
  • Igbo – Ika
  • Iko –  Ikot Abasi LGA
  • Ilue –  Oron LGA
  • Itu Mbon – Ikono and Itu LGAs
  • OboloΒ  –  Ikot Abasi
  • Okobo – Okobo LGA
  • Oro –  Oron LGA
  • Uda –  Mbo LGA

Some Simple Ibibio Words and their Meanings in English

  • AmesiereΒ  – Good morning (greeting one person)
  • Emesiere – Good morning (greeting for more than one person)
  • MmekΓ²m o –  I greet you
  • Mme- kom nde o – I greet you too (This is a reply to β€˜i greet you’)
  • Idem Fo? – How are you
  • Ekom okoneyo EDI esiere – the greeting in the night
  • SΓ²sΓ²Γ±Γ²Β (esΓ²sΓ²Γ±Γ² plural) – Thank you
  • AmediΒ (media? Plural) – Welcome
  • Kaa diΒ (ekaya edi plural) – Goodbye
  • Keenan oΒ  – Weldone
  • Amenam eti etiΒ (emenam eti eti plural) –  You have done well
  • KpeΒ  – Sorry
  • Ami me uma fine – I love you/I like you
  • Di dia mkpΓ² – Come and eat
  • God – Abasi

Akwa Ibom Food

Another thing that can easily tell much where a person comes from is food.Β  The people of Akwa Ibom state are not lacking in some of the richest delicacies you could think of. In fact, there is a popular saying that food prepared by Ibibio women can lead a man to do whatever they wish.

As a state surrounded by water, most of Akwa Ibom state’s culinary culture consists of sea foods needed for health and wellness at all ages. Aside from its cultural delicacies, Akwa Ibom state also joins the majority of Nigerian States that exports some agricultural products like coconut, rice, palm oil and cassava.

Below is a list of Akwa Ibom food and how they are prepared.

Edikang Ikong

This is a special Akwa Ibom soup presented on important Occasions. The soup is made of sliced pumpkin and water leaves with a rich variety of seafood like raw king prawns, periwinkle, and meat.

Other important ingredients are smoked fish, crayfish, pepper, palm oil, meat, salt, and little water. The food is served with boiled yam, foo-foo (boiled cassava flour), or garri (toasted cassava flakes)

Abak Soup

This is another special Akwa Ibom soup you would love to give a try. It is prepared from oil palm fruit and some vegetables and it requires lots of condiments like smoked fish, meat, seafood like periwinkle, stockfish, crayfish, pepper, and salt. It could be served with boiled yam, plantain, foo-foo, pounded yam, garri, or rice.

Otong Afere Atike (Okro Soup)

Okra soup is one of the largely accepted soups in Nigeria and there are different ways of preparing the delicacy but a quick try in the Akwa Ibom state’s signature okra soups will make you love the soup the more.

This is type of Okara soup is made from okra fruit and vegetable with fish, meat, and periwinkle. Serve this soup and another soup ingredient served with Anyan ekpang, foo-foo, garri or pounded yam.

Afia Efere Ebot (White Soup)

if you love spicy soups then this soup will be a better try for you. It is a combination of spices used for traditional ceremonies. Goat meat, smoked fish and stockfish bring out the best of it.

Afang Soup


Here is another Akwa Ibom delicacy made from various shredded vegetables and water leaves locally known as mmong mmong ikong. The soup is garnished with varieties of meat, cow skin, stockfish and every other necessary seafood you can find.

Wheat makes this particular kind of soup unique is the presence of little or no water in it. Like other soups earlier mentioned, Akwa Ibom’s Afang soup can be served with foo-foo, pounded yam, garri (toasted cassava flour) etc.`

Β Ekpang Nkukwo

This is one of Akwa Ibom state’s dishes you would love to be served. it is made from grated cocoyam neatly wrapped in cocoyam leaves. Other ingredients required for the dish are pepper, salt, palm oil, crayfish, seasoning cubes, fish, periwinkle and other recipes.

Ayan Ekpang

Also the culinary culture of the people of Β Cross River, Ayan Ekpang is a β€˜soft food’ made from cocoyam or cassava grated into a paste and wrapped in Epkang. Preparation of this meal is simple as it just requires only your cocoyam, water, salt and wrapping leaves.

Ayan Ekpang is one of the dishes that is served to young women who are in β€˜seclusion’ in the fattening room, or even as breakfast sometimes. This delicacy goes well with Otong (Okro & Ugwu soup) and Abak Atama soup.

Fashion and Style of the Traditional Akwa Ibom People

In addition to its rich culture, Akwa Ibom state also boast of very gorgeous fashion style. Little wonder why the people use the common words β€œAkwa Ibom Ayaya”, meaning Akwa Ibom is beautiful. Similar to theΒ Igbo traditional attire, typical Akwa Ibom state culture is displayed through its variety of fashion senses.

An Akwa Ibom maiden is known to dress in the β€œmkpin” short wrapper skirt, a half top, and a beaded cape. The hairstyle ranges from the native β€˜bantu knots’ to other styles embellished with beads and costume golden combs.

They can also wear a knee-lenght wrapper known as Ofod Ukod Anwang. The Ibibio, Ekid (Eket), Annang and Ibeno woman often have their outfit comprised of a blouse (Itong ofong) made from any material of choice, the double wrapper (Ndot Iba) mostly made fromΒ  George fabric or any other fabric of choice like the velvet, and a head-tie (Ofong Ibuod), made from a firm fabric of different textures and shine.

The men’s traditional attire is mostly etibo with a traditional wrapper called Usobo or any George fabric. Their attire is often complimented with top hats or heavily beaded native caps. Some can choose to add a long piece of cloth called Okpomkpomon tied around the neck. These attires are best worn at very important traditional occasions, including traditional marriage ceremonies and weddings.

Akwa Ibom Movies and MusicΒ 

In addition to being a vehicle for social change and bringing communities together, music allows us to establish a uniqueΒ culturalΒ identity. Akwa Ibom state culture is never devoid of that music and films that have helped to promote the people’s ways of life.Β  There are songs for every occasion, including special events like traditional marriages, birth celebrations and funerals.

As music evolves, younger Akwa Ibom state artists produce more circular songs that tend to promote cultural values while entertaining their listeners. Mishmeshach’s Akwa Ibom Ayaya is just one of such.

The state also boasts of producing some of the finest and most successful actors like Liz Benson, Ini Edo, Nse Ikpe Etim, Theresa Edem and Ume Bishop Umoh.Β  All these names and more have played key roles in the transformation of Africa’s largest film industry.

Facts About Akwa Ibom Ladies

Akwa Ibom state is one of the Nigerian states with some of the finest ladies.Β  It is one of the states in Nigeria where you can find curvy ladies with good looks regardless of their skin colour. Aside from their beauty, the ladies from Akwa Ibom are known to be great cooks. Let’s list out some of the widely perceived facts about Awa IbomΒ  ladies

  • Akwa Ibom ladies are very religious
  • They are very curvy and beautiful,
  • Akwa Ibom ladies are very industrious
  • They are not so expensive to maintain
  • They are very good in bed

Popular Beliefs and Sayings of the Akwa Ibom People

In Akwa Ibom, there are some sayings that have found their way into the people’s cultural beliefs. These β€œwise sayings” have been passed down from one generation after another, and if you are not from any of the ethnic groups in the state, you may not fully understand their meanings without needing help.

Below are some of the Akwa Ibom sayings and their meanings

1. Sóp ntè ídàñ, nyọnì ntè ékwòñ

Meaning:Β β€œBe as fast as the arrow or be as slow as the snail”

2. Kpúkprú ùsèn é-nyènè ínọ úsèn kíét é-nyènè ényéné ínwÑñ

Meaning:Β β€œEveryday is for the thief. One day is for the owner of the farm”

3. Úwém é-di ímọ́

Meaning:Β β€˜Life is wealth.’

4. Anie iso Γ±kọb-iyire akọp adΙ™d adat

Meaning:Β β€œEveryone should mind their side of the net”

5. Anie ñkpọ akop udu idʌñ

Meaning:Β β€œIt is the rich that hears the secret of the village”

6. Atọrọ uduañ mben ọkpọusʌñ andiyeeñe isifreke

Meaning:Β β€œHe who defecates on the road forgets but he who picks it does not forget”

7. Γ‘kpọ mmunamma usʌñ- itọñ udiọọñọke ke etab ado ndiin

Meaning:Β β€œIf nothing happens to your throat you would not know that saliva is a delicacy.”

8. KaihΓΉ gachangachangi

Meaning:Β A wandering child cannot eat his mother’s food when it is hot

The post See All Akwa Ibom State Culture, Taboos, Language and Meanings appeared first on Naijaloaded | Nigeria’s Most Visited Music & Entertainment Website.

Source: Naijaloaded

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