Start the new week in a productive way.
What is it about Mondays?
At some point on Sunday, you can expect to feel depressed and anxious as you think about the week ahead… even if you love your job and the people you work with. Crazy, right?
Studies on Monday depression give us a lot of interesting information, from the fact that people don’t feel worse on Mondays than on any other day, to the theory that they don’t react to Mondays. , according to a New York Times article, “Mondays aren’t as blue as we think they are.
One of the best ways to prepare for a great Monday is to give yourself the weekend. With a little organization and planning, you can head into Monday with open arms and be more productive at work. Here are 6 tips for you:
1. Save energy for the weekend. On weekdays many people work in the dirt, and on weekends he has only two days of couch potato left. Do what you can to avoid this – I want to spend Saturday and Sunday with enough energy to do something really fun and with a functioning mind that allows me to think creatively about work and my life. Habits:
Have you ever worked an extra hour or two trying to “get something done” when you’re actually working in a circle and haven’t really accomplished anything worthwhile? Don’t do that. If you’re not actively promoting your project or business and it’s well past 5pm, give up. Store your energy for the next day. Consider this an exercise. The extra 2 miles you run today is over your limit and you may not be able to run tomorrow.
2. use Friday afternoon to prepare for Monday.
It’s amazing how much you can forget in 60+ hours from Friday afternoon to Monday morning. Here are some tips to get your Monday morning off to a good start.
Make yourself a to-do list for Monday explaining where you left off your tasks or what you’re going to do next. Write more detailed notes about what you worked on. What worked well, what you were excited to achieve or gain, what ideas you would like to return to and repeat or pursue. Create encouraging and motivating notes instead of to-do lists. (Remember, this is for your eyes only. how was your monday )
Even better, use your project scheduling software to create Monday tasks and update them at the end of every Friday (or at a set time each week). Add to-do lists or more meaningful notes as comments. Even better, call this task “Happy Monday, you beautiful creature!”
3. Plan the right mix of weekend activities and events.
Usually, the most satisfying weekends are spent when you combine physical activity, time with family and friends, planned activities, and free time. And no one knows better than you how it changes with the seasons, weather, and living conditions. Creating a relaxing and fun weekend takes planning. In her book What the Most Successful People Do on the Weekend, Laura Vanderkam shares her six secrets for a successful weekend.
Do activities that bring you great joy. Use the morning for personal activities. Create traditional weekend activities. Plan your downtime. Take your time exploring and adventuring. Plan something fun for Sunday night.
4. Do not waste your Sunday.
Isn’t it crazy that you can spend so much time on Sundays because you’re afraid of Mondays? Here are two very different ways to spend your Sunday nights.
Have a fun project for the night. For some of us, Sunday night is a holy lazy night.But if you’re planning an early dinner with friends, a movie date, or an evening picnic in the park, think positively about the day. Please, spend a few hours planning for Monday. For some people, immersing themselves in work on a Sunday night is a very productive and satisfying use of their time. See what is expected of your team. An incredible amount of time is wasted on Monday just picking up where you left off the week before. You can avoid hours if you prepare on Sunday night. And on Monday morning you wake up peacefully.
5. Take it easy on Monday.
No need to move mountains or work 12 hours a day. A week is like a long distance event. I’m working too hard and I’ll have to wait until Thursday. Plan something fun for Monday as an incentive. Have lunch with your co-workers, grab your favorite coffee, or just do something simple. It doesn’t take long to lighten the mood.
6. Don’t give in to Monday talk.
If Blue Monday is a myth, as this New York Times article suggests, experiment. Pretend you like Mondays. When anxiety creeps in on Sunday, remind yourself that you’ll be okay no matter what. Let’s see what happens when we create a new belief system on Monday. Because when you think about it, Monday is just a day of the week when anything can happen. Including big things.
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